Heading in to Winter - and lockdown no.2
We are really proud of how well the website ran throughout the summer, enabling us to operate a 'click & collect' service from the workshop's barn doors - we loved seeing so many familiar faces, albeit through a window! The workshop is part of our family home and, for us, it just didn't feel right opening it up.
We will continue to operate the 'click & collect' for the very few locals here on St Martins - all 120 of us! And we will keep the website going throughout the winter.
As of November 5th it will just be myself, Rob and Inga in the workshop, with Rob and I being distanced from Inga. We are a small team but we are a pretty slick operation now when it comes to making, packing and posting so we are really excited for the next few months ahead when we look forward to receiving orders for Christmas.
Who'd have thought this time last year that we'd be disinfecting tools and computer keypads at the end of every working day and wearing masks and sanitising when we do the post?
Stay safe everyone.